Mendadak keyboard tidak jalan di WINE

Desember 6, 2008 pukul 21:18 | Ditulis dalam Game, Software, Troubleshooting | 2 Komentar

Siang ini mendadak saya tidak bisa menggunakan keyboard di aplikasi yang dijalankan dengan menggunakan WINE. Padahal pada pagi hari, lancar-lancar saja buat memberi nama savegame di Fallout 1. Setelah mencari sana-sini dengan Google, mungkin saya telah menemukan solusinya, seperti yang saya kutip dari topik terkait di forum Ubuntu:

Good news — I believe I have found a solution. Hopefully you are all using SCIM, and this is why the input does not work. The workaround for this is to simply set the XMODIFIERS variable to ” when launching WINE.

XMODIFIERS='' wine myapp.exe

For .desktop application launcher files, you should edit them as follows, using the ‘Properties’ menu by right clicking and editing the ‘Command’ section:

env XMODIFIERS='' WINEPREFIX="/home/jyaan/.wine" wine "C:\DeusEx\System\DeusEx.exe"
I hope this works for you guys. Good luck.

SCIM di Ubuntu sepertinya dalang utama dari permasalahan keyboard ini. Hmm.. tapi saya masih heran, padahal pagi harinya masih lancar lho keyboard saya di WINE. Suer! >_<

For stumbled English readers:
I just found a temporary solution for keyboard problem in WINE.

To put it short, run your WINE application in this way from your terminal:

XMODIFIERS=” wine yourapp.exe

or, if you are using desktop shortcut, add ” XMODIFIERS=” ” (without double quotes) in the Command section at Properties menu.

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  1. Hehehe.. si daya pakai linux toh ๐Ÿ˜€

    BTW: “waktu nerjemahin di launchpad, ada nama si daya. :)”

  2. Hahaha.. waktu itu lg ga ada kerjaan, jd iseng-iseng nerjemahin Deluge. ๐Ÿ™‚

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